Video Clip Documentation of the Project
The European Commissions promotes the European Social Dialogue and intends to contribute to enlarge and deepen mutual understanding on industrial relations and European Social Policies. Within this framework, social partners’ organisations, public bodies and civil society from twelve regions in Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom have built up the experts’ network “Linking Europe in Transition (LET)”. During Conferences in Zagreb, Barcelona and Bad Boll and in monthly video conferences European experts and social partners have exchanged their experience, identified good practice, discussed and worked on promising positions and practices of social partners in facing the economic, financial and social crises in Europe. The experts focused their work on the following thematic area: European Social Dialogue, Migration and New Forms of Employment.
How can Social Partners give a significant contribution to solve the actual crises in Europe in a fair and solidary way? How to combat tendencies of increasing precarious work and structural weakening of the work? What can workers’ organisations do against persisting unemployment of the young generations in Europe? What are winning strategies for social partners in Europe to reinforce labour, promote welfare, to strengthen citizens’ democracy and by that reinforce Social Europe? Is it possible for European citizens and workers to insist on the individual human rights for all people and to contribute, on a long run, to a good and sustainable neighbourhood with citizens and workers in Africa?
The 32 video clips produced within the project may allow to partner organisations, social partners and interested public in Europe to participate to process and outcome of the joint working process. We are grateful to all the international experts who gaver thier contribution: Stéphanie Abis, Ana Baidan, Ricard Bellera y Kirchhof, Roberto Benaglia, Sophie Berlioz, Dagmar Bürkardt, Katrin Distler, Dimitrios Galagas, Joan Carles Gallego, Stewart Gold, Hauland-Grønneberg, Madeleine Hellmann, Wolfgang Herrmann, Tomislav Kiš, Kent Kling, Harald Kohler, Norbert Kreuzkamp, Luis Lageder, Jürgen Lämmle, Rolf Lindén, Alexander Link, Erika Mezger, Peters Niedergesäss, Michal Páleník, Andrija Petrović, Hans-Wolfgang Platzer, Mirko Poloni, Antonio Russo, Bente Schmiade, Josef Schmid, Jelena Svilar, Giuseppe Tabbì und Anna Wall-Strasser.
Tübingen, Dezember 2013
Norbert Kreuzkamp
acli e. V. – das Selbsthilfewerk
für interkulturelle Arbeit
Linking Europe in Transition – Milan Bandić
Reception at the City Hall of Zagreb
LET 01 | June 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Milan Bandić, Mayor of the City of Zagreb (expert) – Miro Laco, Head of the Office of the Mayor of Zagreb (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (expert, producer & publisher) – Mirco Poloni, acli e. V. (camera)
Content: (1) – Greeting by Miro Laco, Head of the Office of the Mayor of Zagreb – (2) Commitment of the City of Zagreb to the LET project – (3) Welcome speech of Milan Bandić, Mayor of the City of Zagreb – (4) Thanking speech of Norbert Kreuzkamp for the LET Experts’ Network – (5) First congratulation: To Croatia for joining the European Union – (6) Second congratulation: To Europe for having won Croatia as a new friend – (7) Third congratulation: To Milan Bandić, the newly elected Mayor of Zagreb – (8) Fourth congratulation: To the citizens of Zagreb for a good governance by a new administration – (9) Fifth congratulation: To ourselves for having wonderful friends in Andrija Petrović, Miro Laco, Milan Bandić and the citizens of Zagreb – (10) Getting together a network of experts to be present at a maybe difficult but common European future
Linking Europe in Transition – Luis Lageder
Times of Great Opportunities
LET 02 | October 2013 | in Italian and English language
Contributors: Luis Lageder, CISL Lombardia, Milano (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp (interviewer, producer & publisher)
Content: (1) The crisis as a time of great opportunity – (2) The crisis causes dramatic suffering – (3) Everybody and all together we find out what we are able to do with our own resources – (4) In the crisis joint actions, if there are any, become true actions – (5) I am trusting in a future that we ourselves are going to build
Linking Europe in Transition – Sophie Berlioz
Innovation by Social Dialogue
LET 03 | October 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Sophie Berlioz, CGT Rhône-Alpes, émergences, Montreuil (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp (inter-viewer, producer & publisher)
Content: (1) Social dialogue on two levels: national and regional – (2) The region of Rhône-Alpes – (3) Social dialogue on three levels –(4) Non-normative social dialogue – (5) Specific measures to face the crises – (6) Additional regional funding (7) Innovation by social dialogue
Linking Europe in Transition – Anna Wall-Strasser
Upper Austrian Experiences
LET 04 | October 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Anna Wall-Strasser, Betriebsseelsorge Oberösterreich, Linz (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp (inter-viewer, producer & publisher)
Content: (1) – In the actual crisis the cooperation of social partners in Europe is needed more than ever – (2) The crisis observed from an Austrian point of view; local economics and labour market policies – (3) The relevance of transition from school to vocational education and work; dual system of vocational education in Austria – (4) Guaranteed vocational qualification for young people: Youth Guarantee – (5) Person-oriented measures of learning and mentoring for young people with specific difficulties – (6) Can Europe learn from the Austrian experience? – (7) Learning as social partners in a European network of experts
Linking Europe in Transition – Kent Kling
West Sweden
LET 05 | October 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Kent Kling, LO Västsverige, Gothenburg (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp (interviewer, producer & publisher)
Content: (1) Long-term experience in workers’ movements with educational and political tasks – (2) Trade unions, social dialogue, citizens’ participation and democracy in West Sweden – (3) The conservatives kept their promises; there are a lot of holes today in the so-called Swedish Model – (4) Today’s Sweden does not care about unemployed people as it did before – (5) I learnt something about the German and Austrian models of taking care of unemployed youth – (6) We have to re-regulate the money market together – (7) The European Council is the key power for solving the crisis; we might lock them and ask them to really come together – (8) We should have more dialogue in Europe
Linking Europe in Transition – Michal Páleník
Slovakia and the Bratislava Region
LET 06 | December 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Michal Páleník, IZ Bratislava (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp (interviewer, producer & publisher)
Content: (1) The Employment Institute focuses on the research of local, regional, national and European labour markets – (2) The topics of migration, social dialogue and employment are very significant for the Bratislava region and for all Slovakia – (3) Historical view on unemployment – socialist economy and transition economy – (4) Historical view on unemployment; orientation towards western economies – (5) Historical view on unemployment – entering the European Union – (6) The effect of the European crisis on employment in Slovakia – (7) Precarious work contracts are becoming the normal situation – (8) The weak status of self-employment – (9) Women and unemployment – (10) Unemployed youth – (11) Higher education and employment – (12) Social dialogue in Slovakia – (13) Sectorial social dialogue – (14) Social dialogue on companies’ level – (15) Common topics on the agenda of the transnational experts’ network – (16) Proposal on a European level – (17) Chances and limits of an experts’ exchange on European level about how facing the crisis
Linking Europe in Transition – Tomislav Kiš
Zagreb Grad
LET 07 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Tomislav Kiš, Novi Sindikat, Zagreb (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (interviewer, pro-ducer & publisher)
Content: (1) The trade union Novi Sindikat – (2) Social dialogue in the Zagreb region
Linking Europe in Transition – Andrija Petrović
Social Dialogue and Employment
in the Zagreb Region
LET 08 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Andrija Petrović, City of Zagreb (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (interviewer, producer & publisher)
Content: (1) Zagreb Grad – Croatia’s capital region – (2) The Social dialogue on national level – (3) The Social dialogue in Croatia’s capital region – (4) Unemployed youth
Linking Europe in Transition – Jelena Svilar
We Talk, We Cooperate
and We Exchange Knowledge
LET 09 | December 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Jelena Svilar, City of Zagreb (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (interviewer, producer & publisher)
Content: (1) Local administration involved in social services an projects for unemployed elderly people – (2) Transnational exchange of experience to improve our work and to do some significant progress
Linking Europe in Transition – Cyril Hauland-Grønneberg
New Experiences of Social Dialogue
on Regional Level in Rhône-Alpes
LET 10 | December 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Cyril Hauland-Grønneberg, émergences Rhône-Alpes, cgt Rhône-Alpes, Lyon (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (interviewer, producer & publisher)
Content: (1) Regional delegate of émergences Rhône-Alpes, Auvergne, Bourgogne et Franche-Comté, Regional Committee Rhône-Alpes – (2) émergences: training – studies – consulting – (3) Cooperative approach of the LET Project is useful regarding to the Social Dialogue on national and regional level – (4) The LET Project aspires to combine different experiences of unions, research institutes, workers’ organisations and NGOs – (5) The exchange of historically, economically, politically and socially quite diverse contexts is a real benefit of the LET Project – (6) Extra benefit by innovative regional social agreements to be still developed and enlarged on more issues and in more regions
Linking Europe in Transition – Josef Schmid
Applied Political Science and Social Dialogue
LET 11 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Josef Schmid, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (interviewer)
Content: (1) Diversity of scientific approaches; political science between theory systems and political advice – (2) Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen; social and economic impact: research, relevance and responsibility – (3) What does social dialogue mean? – (4) Dealing with the diversity of historical backgrounds and cultural and social conditions – (5) Promotion of communication and mutual understanding as a significant instrument to face long-term transition processes – (6) Social dialogue is not so much an instrument to address power, but to increase necessary understanding and learning – (7) Social dialogue might include a mutual commitment to renounce short profits in favour of long-term objectives – (8) The implementation of complex social structures and solutions need trustful cooperation and farsightedness of actors – cooperation instead of the competition of interests of the parts – (9) Organising learning and vocational education is a good example for the need of a future-oriented and trustful cooperation
Linking Europe in Transition – Josef Schmid
Social Dialogue:
Instrument to Face Innovative Problems
LET 12 | December 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Josef Schmid, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (interviewer)
Content: (1) Diversity of scientific approaches; political science between theory systems and political advice at the Tübingen University – (2) Solid and improving cooperation within a network of social players focusing on communication and learning as key issues for the future (3) Diverse traditions and contexts need diverse strategies and instruments, as well as a basic acceptance and understanding of these diversities – (4) Social dialogue means to deepen understanding and to improve the practice in dealing challenging topics in a cooperative way – (5) Social dialogue in Europe means coming together, to face complex challenges with a positive spirit of cooperation in a changing world
Linking Europe in Transition – Peter Niedergesäss
High Responsibility of
German Workers’ Organisations
LET 13 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Peter Niedergesäss (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (pro-ducer & publisher) – Alexander Link (interviewer)
Content: (1) Toolmaker with international aspirations youth and educational worker, social secretary – (2) The KAB is an educational and action movement of more than 130.000 Christian workers – (3) The exchange with European colleagues generates innovation in our organisations – (4) The international audience of experts gives support to a better understanding even of our own situation – (5) Unemployed youth, precarious work, social dialogue and migration: these are the topics for our work on local, regional and European level – (6) On European level Germany is responsible for the growth of low wage sectors and social disruption – (7) Precarious work, minimal wages and European crises: these are very important topics for our political actions as citizens’ organisations – (8) The political demand of decent work has a very high significance in our action of “Citizens Messages to Berlin” – (9) We do have quite good conditions for a fair social dialogue in Germany; but more is to be done on European level – (10) Beneath the LET Project the KAB is involved in other alliances on European level – (11) We are fighting for a work-free Sunday on local, national and European level – (12) The LET Project allows us to improve mutual understanding and to build on a European network of joint social actions – (13) More social dialogue will support more democracy for the European citizens – (14) Europe’s added value and its opportunities should be high lightened by the joint actions of citizens’ organisations – (15) As workers’ organisations in Germany we have a high responsibility for European developments: local actions are needed – (16) We have to strengthen the consensus with our European partner organisations by projects and actions like the LET network – (17) People should not follow the work, but work should follow the people – (18) The European citizens are interested and prepared to practice new forms of political participation and direct democracy
Linking Europe in Transition – Giuseppe Tabbì
The Crisis Creates New Forms
of Mobility and Migration
LET 14 | December 2013 | in Italian and English language
Contributors: Giuseppe Tabbì, ACLI Baden-Württemberg (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (interviewer)
Content: (1) Biographical notes – (2) Identity and activities of the ACLI in Baden-Württemberg – (3) Transnational activities starting from the so-called four Motors for Europe Regions – (4) Long-term partnerships consolidate and improve a real understanding between the regions in Europe – (5) Projects for the European Commission in the area of social dialogue: Old and New Europe (o+ne), Good Old Europe (GOE) and Linking Europe in Transition (LET) – (6) Exchange about the opportunities of the new forms of mobility and migration between European experts
Linking Europe in Transition – Dimitrios Galagas
The Crisis Promoted Social Dialogue
and Cooperation
LET 15 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Dimitrios Galagas, DGB Baden-Württemberg (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (interviewer)
Content: (1) Biographical notes – The DGB is the political speaker of the workers’ unions in Germany – (2) Within the long-term transnational cooperation the network of experts has identified and designed the LET Project ad a common need caused by the crisis – (3) The crisis is a never seen challenge for people who live by their hands’ work creating really difficult life conditions for workers and their families – (4) In the industrialised and rich region of Baden-Württemberg the crisis has raised evidence of a very high and increasing number of precarious work situations that do not anymore guarantee subsistence and livelihood – (5) Under a conservative-liberal government a very close cooperation between state and social partners took place as a common effort to limit the damages of the crisis – (6) Under socialist or social democratic governments no real crisis management has been forwarded in Europe nevertheless the strong protest of the people – (7) During the crisis the need of joint actions raised evidence for the workers’ organisations – the DGB Marshall Plan is one example – (8) German labour market seems quite attractive – a sponsored brain drain however is no solid European solution of shortage of specialised workers
Linking Europe in Transition – Hans-Wolfgang Platzer
The Contribution of The Social Dialogues
to the European Crisis Management
LET 16 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Hans-Wolfgang Platzer, University of Applied Science Fulda (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (cam-era) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) Horizontal and vertical Europeanisation – (2) European social dialogue on a multi-sectorial, sectorial and company level – the outcome and the crisis – (3) The multi-sectorial social dialogue in Europe – (4) Negotiated legislation; consultation of the social partners in all European legislation procedures of work or social policies – (5) Autonomous social dialogue: implementation of agreements in terms of customs and practices by national legislation procedures; joint opinion – (6) Tripartite social dialogue: growth and employment – (7) The actors of the European social dialogue: ETUC and Business Europe – (8) Commissions of sectorial European social dialogue – (9) Exemplary agreement of the European social dialogue with minimal standards for contracts in the sector of professional football – (10) The sectorial social dialogue: a quite impressing output – a rather modest outcome – (11) Sectorial social dialogue: agreement codified by European directions; autonomous sectorial agreements; process oriented texts – (12) European Work Councils: actually ca. 1.000, ca. 50% implementation of the direction – (13) Agreement of European work councils are made on a voluntary basis; Commission and workers’ organizations want to strengthen this option – (14) The quality of enterprise-wide transnational agreements with the European social dialogue
Linking Europe in Transition – Antonio Russo
Lampedusa and the Fundamental Rights
of Boat People and Refugees
LET 17 | December 2013 | in Italian and English language
Contributors: Antonio Russo, ACLI, Bari (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) Diversity of migrants – each one with specific needs and rights: economic and ecologic migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers (2) In Europe 50 million migrants per year: 17 million EU citizens, 33 Non EU citizens, 16 million Sinti & Roma EU citizens … (3) The most numerous national groups: Romania, Poland and Italy (EU) – Turkey, Morocco, Albania, Russia and Cine (Non EU) – (4) Fundamental rights of citizenship; 782.000 new EU citizenships in 2011; with a decreasing tendency, probably linked to the effects of the crisis – (5) Refugees and asylum seekers in Europe: Maghreb revolutions and civil war in Syria; destination countries: Malta, Luxemburg, Sweden, Belgium, Cyprus – (6) Italia: from emigration to immigration, today 5 million foreign citizens; migration policies; security aspect: defending against refugees; criminalisation: clandestinity – (7) Isola di Lampedusa: 30.000 refugees arrived in three months; coming from Syria, Eritrea and Somalia; Lampedusa might become symbol of a Europe that pushes the refugees back – (8) Frontex, a service to considered as non effective, often too late, non congruent with humanitarian objectives, often not very nice to the refugees – (9) Dublin Conventions I, II and III do not allow to ask for asylum in an other country than the member state of first boarding – (10) Immigration policies in Italy: workers’ and citizens’ organisations as the ACLI have not been considered by political deciders – (11) Projects of cooperation of local administration and social society organisations to protect refugees and to promote their inclusion into the local society – (12) We have to change the paradigm and return to a perspective of fundamental rights as declared 1948 after the traumatic experiences of Word Wars I and II – (13) Chart of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union is forgotten; the UN Convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and their families was not ratified in Europe – (14) We need a clear implementation of the principle of portability of civil rights: regarding social, political, educational, professional and welfare issues – (15) Interesting initiatives: Italy – that is also me; Europe – that is also me; outlook and conclusions
Linking Europe in Transition – Erika Mezger
Combating Youth Unemployment in Europe
LET 18 | December 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Erika Mezger, Deputy Director of Eurofound, European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) The European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions – (2) Youth Unemployment with 4 core areas: Youth in the European labour market; Not in employment, education and training (NEEDs); Economic and society costs; The EU policy response – (3) All over Europe it is not easy to be young in today’s labour market – (4) 2008 to 2010: in 18 of 27 member states we find the highest youth unemployment rate ever seen – (5) EU 2020 objectives: 75% of employable people are employed; the employment rate of young people decreased from 37% (2007) to 33% (2012) – (6) High variety in Europe: school to work transition rate as a significant indicator – (7) Quality of youth unemployment: permanent fulltime jobs vs. precarious jobs – (8) The NEEDs Generation – a relevant phenomenon in nearly all member states – (9) EU 2020 strategy faces qualitative and quantitative dimension of the needs by flagship initiatives like “Youth on the Move” – (10) NEETs are an important human capital for our societies – (11) Qualitative outcomes of the NEET phenomenon and their financial and societal costs – (12) Estimated costs for non-activity against youth unemployment: 153 billion Euro in 2011, 162 billion Euro in 2012 – (13) Are NEEDs people opting out from the participation to our democratic and think society engagement of our European societies? – (14) The European Union policy response to these challenges – (15) Preventive strategies: reintegration of early school leavers; facilitation of school to work transition; fostering employability; remove barriers and employer incentives – (16) The European Commission’s initiative to go for a so-called youth guarantee; what could mean good practice? – (17) Steps and milestones of EU initiatives promoting youth guarantee – (18) A quality framework for apprenticeship has been adopted – (19) Implementation of youth guarantee is to be done by the Member States and on regional and local level – (20) It is all about the real implementation and a coordinated youth policy; public-private partnerships, group specific diverse approaches – (21) The social partners could do a lot on European and national, but also on regional and local level – (22) Youth guarantee means a broad, comprehensive and diverse policy approach; it is not a panakeia, but you can make something out of eating – (23) It is not easy to be young – (24) Country specific recommendations how to implement youth guarantee might be taken into consideration, if you work on regional or local, on sectorial or company level
Linking Europe in Transition – Dagmar Bürkardt
Time and Culture for a Joint Process
LET 19 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Dagmar Bürkardt, Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) Getting aware of the diversity of living and working conditions and the practice of the social dialogue is quite exciting – (2) The LET Project really offers the necessary time for people from different countries in Europe to come together and learn one from each other – (3) In the actual crises Europe needs to create spaces and opportunities to practice mutual understanding and joint action – (4) We have quite some representatives of workers’ organisations – we might consider even more the participation of employers’ organisations – (5) A lot of discussion is still needed and as protestant academy we assume that our seminar and meeting culture could be useful for e joint process of European citizens
Linking Europe in Transition – Kent Kling
Lessons Learnt in European Networks
LET 20 | December 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Kent Kling, LO Västsverige (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) Within the LET Project quite soon we went into a process – (2) In the LET Project we went really to work together – (3) We can use the results of this project mainly where we have educational activities for our trade unions representatives
Linking Europe in Transition – Ana Baidan
Working Group Migration
LET 21 | December 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Stéphanie Abis, European Network Tandem Plus (expert) – Ana Baidan, European Network Tan-dem Plus (expert) – Ricard Bellera y Kirchhoff, CCOO de Catalunya (expert) – Madeleine Hell-mann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (expert, producer & publisher) – Luis Lageder, CISL Lombardia (expert) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) The joint working process – (2) Comparative research and regional case studies on migration policies and practices – (3) A large lack of coherence in European and national migration policies – (4) Cohesion policies with our African and Asian neighbours have to be reinforced – (5) Migration and mobility towards and within European Union should never be imposed but always be result of a free decision – (6) Workers often have to accept precarious and illegal living and working conditions – this increases the risk of xenophobia and racism – (7) Migration from poor to rich countries offers opportunity and temptation to the labour markets to undermine valid standards of wages, welfare and social security – (8) No longer mobility and migration can be distinguished exactly – complex migration phenomena ask for precise and well-defined migration policies – (9) A qualitative and quantitative monitoring of the crisis is needed as well as a better understanding of the real needs of migrants – (10) Migration and mobility primarily are a question of economies implemented into the labour market – workers’ organisations and trade unions have to be involved into specific policies – (11) Lampedusa is becoming the symbol for European immigration policies with the risk to get more and more Lampedusas – these policies must be changed – (12) The first outcome of the LET Project for us is the undertaken process of joint working, joint research and mutual learning of European experts – (13) During the project the experts could achieve a general understanding, both of European and social policies and European social dialogues – (14) Workers’ organisations should be more directly involved into management, guidance and welcome activities for refugees and migrants, strengthening hereby their rights and ability to act – (15) The Catalonian Partner did invite us to join a social partners’ project of welcoming and guidance of refugees and migrant workers – (16) Building up Europe as a fortress by walls against immigration is no option Europe has to create a new practice and culture of well doing and getting along with its African and Asian neighbours – (17) The experts lance the proposal of a permanent observatory on the Island of Lampedusa as a strong symbolic action and opportunity for a continuous process of understanding
Linking Europe in Transition – Ricard Bellera y Kirchhoff
Living Lampedusa
We Need a New Spelling of Citizenship
LET 22 | December 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Ricard Bellera y Kirchhoff (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) 100 major demands for European migration policies; the Lampedusa tragedy; Roma people in Europe – (2) All of us are hurt by what happens at our European boarders; it still seems difficult to define what European citizenship might mean – (3) The lessons learnt in the LET project will be disseminated in our partner organisations and will have an impact on our policies; this will happen in my country
Linking Europe in Transition –
Stewart Gold, Michal Páleník, Bente Schmiade and Andrija Petrović
Working Group Employment
LET 23 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Stewart Gold, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen – Andrija Petrović, Zagreb Grad – Michal Páleník, IZ Bratislava – Bente Schmiade, DGB Berlin-Brandenburg (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) Focusing on precarious work, temporary work and youth unemployment – (2) Working process: research of good practice in the participating European regions – (3) Very high long-term unemployment rates both for adults and youth in Slovakia – (4) The known and elsewhere working employment policy instruments do not work in Slovakia – (5) Focusing on employment instruments in public procurement; subsidy of 15 to 30 % for placement in regular employment – (6) The so-called youth guarantee is a top-down instrument that might not work in Mediterranean labour markets – (7) Higher youth unemployment rate in Eastern regions of Germany – (8) Some projects involving young people, enterprises and social partners might be identified as good practice – (9) Different strategies: labour market instruments; promotion of qualifications of young people – (10) – Involvement of social partners is indicated; educational and structural instruments must be synchronised
Linking Europe in Transition – Bruno Bouvier
The Rhône-Alpes Region
LET 24 | December 2013 | in French and English language
Contributors: Bruno Bouvier, cgt Rhône-Alpes (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) Actual situation in the Region of Rhône-Alpes – (2) Social dialogue on national and regional level – (3) Migration in and towards Rhône-Alpes and Europe – (4) Youth unemployment
Linking Europe in Transition – Joan Carles Gallego
LET 25 | December 2013 | in Spanish and English language
Contributors: Dagmar Bürkardt, Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll (presenter) – Joan Carles Gallego, CCOO de Catalunya (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) The situation in Catalonia – (2) How to face the crisis?
Linking Europe in Transition – Joan Carles Gallego
An Open Europe of Innovation and Work
LET 26 | December 2013 | in Spanish and English language
Contributors: Joan Carles Gallego, CCOO de Catalunya (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) Regarding to migration and integration of migrants a real European policy of welcoming and solid employment is needed – (2) A policy of crude competition between European countries is no solution; in a globalised world we need an open Europe of innovation and work
Linking Europe in Transition – Roberto Benaglia
LET 27 | December 2013 | in French and English language
Contributors: Dagmar Bürkardt, Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll (presenter) – Roberto Benaglia, CISL Lombar-dia (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (presenter, producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) The actual situation in Lombardy – (2) How to face the crisis? – (3) Unemployed youth
Linking Europe in Transition – Rolf Lindén
West Sweden
LET 28 | December 2013 | in English language
Contributors: Dagmar Bürkardt, Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll (presenter), Rolf Lindén, LO Västsverige (ex-pert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (presenter, producer & pub-lisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation)
Content: (1) The situation in West Sweden – (2) A lighthouse for Lampedusa? – (3) Migration: Lighthouse policies for West Sweden and Europe – (4) Unemployed youth in West Sweden and Europe
Linking Europe in Transition – Jürgen Lämmle
Good Work and Good Government
in Baden-Württemberg
LET 29 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Jürgen Lämmle, Secretary of State, Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs, Family, Women and El-derly People Baden-Württemberg (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation) – Josef Schmid (presenter)
Content: (1) Introduction of the secretary of state – Good work in Baden-Württemberg – (2) Social dialogue in Baden-Württemberg – (3) Good work from a government’s point of view – (4) Germany as low wages economy might not be the example to be followed by all European regions – (5) Migration policies in Baden-Württemberg – (6) The actual low wages labour market is a real problem to be faced
Linking Europe in Transition – Katrin Distler
The Trade Unions’ Point of View
LET 30 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Katrin Distler, DGB Baden-Württemberg (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation) – Josef Schmid (presenter)
Content: (1) Secretary of the DGB Baden-Württemberg for transnational activities and Europe – (2) Good work and fair mobility – (3) Good work from a union’s point of view – (4) The DGB Index Good Work – (5) Social dialogue to face the crisis? – (6) New European migration towards Baden-Württemberg – (7) How to support a fair mobility? – (8) How to stop a competition in Europe that produces always lower salaries? – (9) International capitalism produces competition for workers also on international level
Linking Europe in Transition – Ricard Bellera y Kirchhoff
Some European Union’s Point of View
LET 31 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Ricard Bellera y Kirchhoff, CCOO de Catalunya (expert) – Madeleine Hellmann (camera) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (producer & publisher) – Alexander Link (cooperation) – Josef Schmid (presenter)
Content: (1) Introduction by the secretary for international development and migration of the Comisions obreres de Catalunya … (2) Good work in Europe – (3) High export rates like in Baden-Württemberg might not be the solution for all European regional economies – (4) The Collective Loyalty Act of Baden-Württemberg might be an interesting proposal for all Europe – (5) Migration and mobility are very much linked to the European cohesion policies
Linking Europe in Transition – Wolfgang Herrmann
The Voice of Workers’ World
LET 32 | December 2013 | in German and English language
Contributors: Wolfgang Herrmann, Catholic Workers’ Pastoral Rottenburg-Stuttgart (expert) – Norbert Kreuzkamp, acli e. V. (interviewer, producer & publisher)
Content: (1) Good and decent work – (2) Where we come from – (3) Working with migrant people – (4) Precarious work & life conditions – (5) Providing for better information – (6) Cooperation project “Fair Mobility” – (7) Networking our resources – (8) Awareness through Europe – (9) Joint observers of what has to be done – (10) Becoming European eye-openers
Dieser Post ist auch verfügbar auf: German